Friday, February 5, 2010

Genre 1-Picture book illustrated by Meilo So-LS5603

Module 1-Picture book illustrated by Meilo So
1.Bibliography: O Flatharta,Antoine. Hurry and the Monarch Ill. by Meilo So. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2005. ISBN 0375930035
2. Plot Summary: In this book, the main character of Hurry, the Texas tortoise, is introduced to a monarch butterfly. The monarch butterfly shares the story of her annual migration South to Mexico to survive the winter. As the seasons change, the monarch once again finds Hurry the Tortoise in his garden in Wichita Falls, Texas. In the garden, Hurry has a bird’s-eye view of the process that changes eggs into a beautiful monarch butterfly.
3. Critical Analysis: The watercolor illustrations complement the story with a connection to the delicate body of the monarch butterfly. Meilo So uses subdued tones in oranges, blues and greens to create a feeling of calm. The characters of Hurry and the Monarch each have a unique perspective on life, and they are able to share insights with each other. The friendship between the two main characters shows that although we are different, we all have something to learn from each other. This book is a great resource for Texas about the life cycle of a butterfly, as well as teaching about the geography of Texas. As the reader follows the butterfly on its journey to Mexico, we see that the illustrations invoke a feeling of warmth, giving a connection to the typical weather in Mexico.
4. Awards won: Although this specific picture book has not been designated as an award winner, the illustrator Meilo So has been honored by the Society of Illustrators and the American Library Association.
5. Connections:
Other books illustrated by Meilo So: The 20th-Century Children’s Poetry Treasury ISBN-10: 0679893148 , Tasty Baby Belly Buttons ISBN-10: 0679893695 , Countdown to Spring ISBN-10: 0375813640
Another book to teach about Texas and the geography of the state: Armadillo from Amarillo by Lynne Cherry ISBN-10: 0152019553

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